Environment – Energy – Industry – Quality are concepts normally in clear contrast between each other in modern society, but for TECNONORD are the basical four elements of their working philosophy. The necessity of making them match together comes from the need, and the moral obligation, to create a company which has always more technical means and consciousness that it’s possible to get to the common target of building a sustainable future. The respect of the environment, the production, the energetic saving and the work should be more taken in consideration as one thing, starting from new designs and working needs, improving what is already existing at the sama time.

“Building a sinergy between industry and energetic needs, respecting the environment and life quality, MUST be the way to follow to get to a sustainable and clean future”


Born in 1979 from the founders ‘s dream, to supply to their customers qualitative products and services, TECNONORD in 40 years has become a leader in the sector, due to its commitment and reliability in work.The great experience and professionalism, known and appreciated on the market, give to TECNONORD a continuous chance to grow year after year, both in Italy and abroad, leading it to offer to its clients a complete service of Design – Production – Maintenance – Management in the two business macro areas referred: Environment and Energy.

The heart and engine of the company is the Technical Staff, that has pluriannual experience in Plant field, a know-how enriched by will to follow that dream still today, with constant training e research related to technical and management development in work’s world.

Birth Tecnonord Como G & C s.n.c. ; activities / qualifications: –
• Building of works of public utility for the transport of fluids
• Manufacture of electrical equipment


Our aim is to be a partner of reference prepared, competent and quality in the design, implementation, maintenance and improvement of electrical systems and water treatment plants, for civil, industrial facilities and public interest in order to drive in a clear and safe our clients to achieve their objectives.