One of the main interest in this field has always been for TECNONORD the water treatment.
Water resources are not equally distributed on our planet: about 10 are the countries that have at disposal the 60% of natural waters,whilst large geographic areas have none. Many are the countries that have great volumes of water, but are not able to use it, because of quality of it and also due to the difficulties in extraction and distribution. Nowadays is fundamental to use water in the correct way, eliminating the wastage, due to old infrastructures and wrong development of depuration systems. White waters, rain and domestic waters have to be treated separately from sewer dumpings, as to create technical waters to be reused and in the same time stop hydraulic bulk and useless volumes in the depuration process.
Tecnonord offers the following services in the field of water treatment:
- Treatment and depuration civil and indistrial wastewater plants
- Sewer plants
- Lifting station
- Water purification plants
- Debacterization plants
- Demineralization plants
- Hydraulic plants
- Rain water recovery plants
- Technical and administrative management of water treatment plants
- Machinery supply, setting and maintenance
- Environmental advice and laboratory analysis