This is a very important segment from civil – housing’s point of view, as the modern society is mostly based on energy consumerism and exploitation, out of which electric energy is a significant part. The production of electric energy is the first phase of the process that leads to production till the final use, passing through transmission and distribution. Normally production is made by changeover of energy, starting from a primary energy source, through the power plants and regulated by dispatching (centralized production) or by certified self production systems on the distribution electric network (distributed production). Further electric production and distribution,TECNONORD offers a full service about industrial and civil electric plant, including specific Hardware and Software automations.
Tecnonord offers the following services about Production, Distribution and Use:
- Homes, Condos, Hotels
- Electric implants
- Photovoltaics implants (PV)
- Video entryphone implants
- Alarms
- Automation, Comfort, Security
- Audio-video interface, Security interface
- Lan Ethernet interface
- Evolved lightning management
- Law adjustments by D.M. 37/08 and Safety implementation of implants
- Ordinaty and extraordinary maintenance
- Hydroelectric implants
- Photovoltaics implants (PV)
- Distribution electric implants
- Explosion-proof implants
- Cathode protection
- Data network
- Fire – gas – smoke detectors
- Alarm – evacuation implants
- Tele/Radio check and surveillance
- Distribution implants and Conversion cabins
- Law adjustments by D.M. 37/08 and Safety implementation of implants and machinery
- Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance
- Electric distribution panels
- Electric automation panels
- Electric/cells transformers panels Industrial automation, integrated board machine control systems and Hardware/Software management
- Adjustments and safety implementation of implants and machinery
- Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance